Susi Hines makes strong and highly individual jewellery, drawing from rich sources often using spherical forms as depicted in the Renaissance and experimenting with fractured and decaying surfaces. Working with diamonds, gemstones, gold and silver, Susi explores surfaces through engraving, etching and contrasting colour using juxtapositions of different textures with unusual stones and naturally coloured diamonds. Her pieces use mechanical complexity creating movement allowing the wearer to vary the way they can be worn. She delights in hidden catches in secret movement and tactile discoveries. Her Mutabilis collection of two-part rings can be adapted and enhanced for the client over time, and has been awarded a unique design status at the Intellectual Property Office. She designs her pieces to be both handled and viewed. After leaving college Susi was apprenticed in Mayfair and understands the long tradition of craftsmanship that exists in this country. She set up her studio in North Essex in 2008, having previously taught full-time jewellery, drawing and design in London colleges including setting up courses directly linked to the industry. She now exhibits regularly at Goldsmiths’ Hall in London and was recently chosen to show her jewellery at the Royal Academy for the Anselm Kiefer retrospective in 2014.
2007-present Set up studio to become full-time maker. Since then she has been showing jewellery in the UK, Europe and US, including Origin, RA, Goldsmiths' Fair and Inhorgenta. See listings for recent events.
2012-present London College of Fashion,
Morley Colleg, P/T Lecturer
1997-2005 London Metropolitan University,
fractional F/T Senior Lecturer
1984-1998 Westminster Kingsway College,
F/T Lecturer
1997 MA London Metropolitan University
1972-73 Collingwoods of Conduit Street, Mayfair
1972 BA Middlesex University
2005 Goldsmiths' Craft and Design Awards, fine jewellery

from sketch to completion