Goldsmiths' Fair Digital - Day 4
Keshi pearl, petrified coral and diamond earrings at Goldsmiths' Fair
These keshi pearl and petrified coral earrings with diamonds are on the Goldsmiths’ Fair website and are unique. Although I have said petrified coral I think they are actually a fossilised Bryozoan which is an organism separate to coral which lives in warm seas and coral reefs and becomes fossilised by infilling with quartz or calcite. I think that means they are millions of years old, which is hard to contemplate! I’ll be posting more of my jewellery at Goldsmiths Fair tomorrow at 2.30 pm on IGTV.
#goldsmithsfair2020 #petrifiedcoral#champagnediamonds#susihinesjewellery #keshipearls#goldanddiamonds #bryozoan#coralreef #unique #oneofakind